Tuesday, April 9, 2013

There seems to be a huge gap between what the law says we have to provide in the educational system and the needs of the students participating in this system.  The gap gets wider when you start talking about students with any sort of special educational needs.  And the gap becomes a huge canyon when you start considering students with significant cognitive disabilities.  I hope to use this blog to help support teachers, therapists, and parents as we look at ways to help students access the academic curriculum.
This is not a political forum to discuss the merits (or non-merits) of particular educational policy.  Rather I want it to be a hopeful space to share ideas and materials that will help students participate in meaningful ways.  I have discovered over the past 35+ years in the educational system that I have a skill and passion for helping adapt and create materials to assure everyone gets a chance to participate.  I want to share some of those ideas and materials with other teachers, therapists & parents.
I'm new at blogging and this will be an adventure for me. 

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